Impacting the Community Every Step of the Way 

校友 John Scott standing in front of the Roger Williams University sign outside on a day with a blue clear sky.
John Scott standing in front of the Roger Williams University sign after delivering a talk to 刑事司法 students at RWU.

约翰·斯科特,RWU 2001届毕业生


With the help of 网赌的十大网站’s flexible scheduling, John Scott ’01 was able to climb the ranks at the Rhode Island Training School (RITS) in Cranston, R.I. Throughout his 31-year career at the secure correctional facility for youth, Scott started as a line staff member and moved his way up to serve as the Senior Community Development Training Specialist, where he provides professional development opportunities for staff. 

To reach this place, Scott followed a path that met his individual needs. While working full-time at RITS as a juvenile program worker where he provided education, 支持, and safety to detained and sentenced youth, he also began taking night classes at 网赌的十大网站. Scott said he was able to attend classes at a pace that fit with his lifestyle, which empowered him to grow in his career while also pursuing an education. 2001年,他以B的成绩毕业.S. 刑事司法.   

据斯科特说, working at RITS is a passion that allows him to make a tangible difference in his community.   

“在研究院, we aim to provide a more normalized environment for these young people because the objective is not to get them ready for an institution but to get them ready for leading a productive life,他说. “We have a fully functioning farm on the property, 烹饪艺术, 还有一个景观美化项目, so we do a lot of work to help them channel their emotions in a more effective way.”  

Since moving his family to Bristol, Scott has also become co-owner of one of Bristol’s local favorites, 蜂巢咖啡馆. “The Bristol community has been so welcoming,” Scott said. “I fell in love with it the moment I took a Forensic Psychology class at the Bristol campus.”   

 Scott continues to work with the RWU community by speaking to classes, 提供实习机会, and partnering with the Community 合作伙伴关系 Center to design volunteer opportunities for current RWU students to get involved at RITS.